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Food and food waste

In September 2022 to January 2023, The JRC was contracted by Siel Environmental Services Limited to facilitate the recruitment, data collection, analysis, and reporting for the pilot Food Waste Management project, funded by exporTT. This project was aimed at assessing the feasibility of composting services, as well as to assess the needs of persons in Arouca, Couva, Longdenville, San Fernando, Wallerfield, and Valsayn in Trinidad and Tobago with regard to food waste management. Participant recruitment was primarily conducted via The JRC and Siel professional networks and social media. Data collection was conducted with an online survey of 131 participants (100 residents and 31 businesses), focus group discussions with 29 of the 100 residents, kitchen diaries with 10 of the 100 residents, and key informant interviews with 10 of the 31 businesses. Quantitative data entry, coding, cleaning and analysis was done in SPSS for online survey data, as well as data collected by Siel through waste audits in Maracas Valley, St. Joseph. Qualitative data from online FGDs and telephone KIIs was transcribed, coded and analyzed using thematic analysis. A detailed report of findings and recommendations are currently being used to inform a series of educational courses on food waste management.​


Man thinking about crime and violence

In January to March 2022, The Jones Research Centre Ltd. was contracted by the Caribbean Male Action Network (CariMAN) to facilitate the recruitment, data collection and sample weighting for the Masculinities and Criminal Violence - Bridging the Gap Between Research and Policy and Practice project launched in Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica project, funded by The Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office. Recruitment for the project was primarily done through social media and community and public transportation hub workabouts. A representative sample of 600 non-incarcerated men across Trinidad and Tobago were interviewed using the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) via telephone interviews. The exercise allowed these men to share insights on the topics of masculinity and criminal violence in Trinidad and Tobago. The JRC conducted data entry, coding, cleaning, and sample weighting in SPSS for all 600 surveys. Additionally data entry, coding, cleaning and sample weighting was completed for surveys from a sample of 200 incarcerated men within the Trinidad and Tobago prison system. Consultations were also held with a research firm contracted for survey implementation in Jamaica to provide guidance on best practices and lessons learned during the data collection exercise.




GPS (Governance, Peace & Security) Women and Girls “EmpoWomen” Summit Virtual Experience Across Borders funded by The US Embassy in Trinidad and Trinidad promoted empowerment, advocacy and raised awareness of the plight of women and girls across borders by documenting similarities and differences and promoted gender-based violence prevention and gender equality in governance. This project included 3 components: 1-day Focus Group Discussion, 5-day Arts-based Life Skills Mediation Workshop, and 5-day Global Summit. Implementation involved a global pedagogical experiential knowledge-share and undertook a comparative international process of learning, knowledge and skills transfer across Trinidad & Tobago, Bahamas, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and Ghana. The Project Lead, Mr. Mtima Solwazi, was also the Team Lead for Trinidad and Tobago, and the CEO and President of The Oral Tradition ROOTS Foundation.


The JRC was contracted by The Oral Tradition ROOTS Foundation to coordinate the data collection (focus group discussions) phase in September 2021. Data collection in Trinidad and Tobago involved rating the participants on 3 key indicators; (1) Recognition and (2) Knowledge on the topic being discussed, and (3) Willingness to engage in upcoming training workshops to fill these knowledge gaps. The Centre also assisted with quantitative analysis and final reporting based on the data emerging from the focus group sessions. The JRC also completed data entry, analysis  and reporting services for data collected in the Bahamas, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and Ghana. 


An Attitudinal Survey on Violence Against Women in Trinidad and Tobago

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